A new second-order upper bound for the ground state energy of dilute Bose gases
2021-01-01 Basti, Giulia; Cenatiempo, Serena; Schlein, Benjamin
A second order upper bound for the ground state energy of a hard-sphere gas in the Gross-Pitaevskii regime
2023-01-01 Basti, Giulia; Cenatiempo, Serena; Alessandro, Olgiati; Giulio, Pasqualetti; Benjamin, Schlein
Analysis of fluctuations around non-linear effective dynamics
2017-01-01 Cenatiempo, S
Bogoliubov theory for dilute Bose gases: The Gross-Pitaevskii regime
2019-01-01 Cenatiempo, S
Bogoliubov Theory in the Gross-Pitaevskii Limit
2019-01-01 Boccato, C; Brennecke, C; Cenatiempo, S; Schlein, B
Bose-Einstein Condensation for Two Dimensional Bosons in the Gross-Pitaevskii Regime
2021-01-01 Cenatiempo, Serena; Schlein, Benjamin; Caraci, Cristina
Complete Bose–Einstein Condensation in the Gross–Pitaevskii Regime
2018-01-01 Boccato, C; Brennecke, C; Cenatiempo, S; Schlein, B
Energy expansions for dilute Bose gases from local condensation results: a review of known results
2023-01-01 Basti, Giulia; Caraci, Cristina; Cenatiempo, Serena
Ground state energy of a Bose gas in the Gross-Pitaevskii regime
2022-01-01 Basti, Giulia; Cenatiempo, Serena; Olgiati, Alessandro; Pasqualetti, Giulio; Schlein, Benjamin
Low dimensional interacting bosons
2013-01-01 Cenatiempo, Serena
Optimal Rate for Bose–Einstein Condensation in the Gross–Pitaevskii Regime
2020-01-01 Boccato, C; Brennecke, C; Cenatiempo, S; Schlein, B
Quantum Many-Body Fluctuations Around Nonlinear Schrödinger Dynamics
2017-01-01 Boccato, C; Cenatiempo, S; Schlein, B
Renormalization theory of a two dimensional Bose gas: quantum critical point and quasi-condensed state
2014-01-01 Cenatiempo, S; Giuliani, A
The excitation spectrum of Bose gases interacting through singular potentials
2020-01-01 Boccato, C; Brennecke, C; Cenatiempo, S; Schlein, B
The excitation spectrum of two dimensional Bose gases in the Gross-Pitaevskii regime
2023-01-01 Caraci, Cristina; Cenatiempo, Serena; Schlein, Benjamin
Universal low-energy behavior in a quantum Lorentz gas with Gross-Pitaevskii potentials
2018-01-01 Basti, G; Cenatiempo, S; Teta, S
Upper bound for the ground state energy of a dilute Bose gas of hard spheres
2024-01-01 Basti, Giulia; Cenatiempo, Serena; Giuliani, Alessandro; Olgiati, Alessandro; Pasqualetti, Giulio; Schlein, Benjamin